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Women at Halftime Podcast

Oct 1, 2019

Is article writing or a newsletter really worth it? Will anyone really read it? I say yes! Writing is a great exercise-it gets your juices flowing. Looking back, some of my writing is just funny! Look up the Book: The Artists Way. The author says to write morning pages to let your creativity freely flow (write like you talk); Ask other people for prompts (questions); Think of yourself as a gardener, who takes care of ideas. This takes the pressure off always trying to be creative. When you write…the ideas come!

It's important to find a regular way to communicate with your audience. (besides podcasts, etc…) People want to hear your “voice.” Write TO your audience, but write what interests you too! Sometimes you just have to write! Don’t be afraid of the blank page! (scary!) Read for ideas. Jot them down-don’t lose them!

Walkaways: 1. Have the mindset of an exercise with writing. Don’t be so self-critical of your past writing 2. Just start writing-journaling. As a “gardener” you’re just cultivating, then grabbing what’s out there 3. Let your true voice be heard-write to your specific audience (your avatar) 4. Don’t be afraid of the blank page. It’s OK to repurpose material 5. Pick a platform and stick with it for a good length of time to get going. Then re-evaluate.